Are You Solving Problems or Solving Your Customer’s
I don’t remember where I read this, but I’m sure it was Zig
Ziggler or some other guru of sales: “Solve big problems, make big money.” This sounds simple enough right? Well, I am going to share with you my biggest "aha" moment. I was giving one of the
best presentations of my sales career.
This presentation eventually resulted in an $85M projector and network
equipment sale. Sounds great, huh? It all came down to luck (preparation meeting
Let me take you back to
that day. I was giving this once in a lifetime presentation and I was
on it. I was overcoming objections and
painting awesome pictures of increasing profits and productivity. When all of a sudden my customer stopped me
and said the most important phrase I have heard in my sales career. He said, “You are solving a problem I don’t
have.” BAM! he hit me with it and I was stupefied. Fortunately for me, I had a customer who was willing to teach me as we went along.
Bottom line is that after all was said and
done, I learned one more time to shut up and listen.
I think we should start a new sales
university. We will just call it
STFU. You go ahead and fill in your own
blanks for the acronym.
Happy Selling,