Saturday, January 4, 2020

Selling with Passion and Purpose

Did you know that a sales person who sells with a purpose (a mission or cause) out sells their competition 15:1 (source: Good to Great – Jim Collins)?

Selling with Passion and Purpose:

Why do I sell for Legrand | AV? Because it gives me the chance to give my partners access to over 2500 products, which equates to tens of thousands of SKUs in more than 7 different brands and lines. These are best in class quality and help to make highly innovative communication and collaboration solutions/systems and are supported and serviced by the industry’s leading teams. We significantly and positively contribute to our user’s everyday business endeavors, recreational lives and their domestic experiences. We have the pleasure of significantly impacting their ability to cure diseases, inspire learning and creativity, building wealth, ensuring justice, keeping the peace, solving complex problems, and increasing joy through simplifying and improving communication. Simply put, we transform spaces where people live, work and play. We build amazing experiences.

I don’t sell AV. I cure diseases, inspire learning and creativity, building wealth, ensuring justice, keeping the peace, solving complex problems, and increasing joy through simplifying and improving communication with the use of AV/IT technologies. When I assist an integrator with a design and product specification for a medical application I am curing diseases. When I quote some AV for an education bid I am inspiring learning and creativity. The sell is not the product, it is the experience that the end user has. And sometimes that end user is the student in the class room who struggles with math until they have it shown to them in a new collaborative and interactive way using interactive whiteboards and BYOD. The end user can be the child cancer patient at a Children’s Hospital and that child is looking at a big screen made to look like an aquarium. When that child sees Crush (the sea turtle from Finding Nemo) swimming up to the them and begins talking to them through the magic of AV and that child is the happiest they have been in a long time. If part of their healing process is their positive attitude, then I consider myself incredibly lucky to be “selling” the stuff that makes me part of that. So, what do I sell? I sell a positive impact on home, work and play environments. AND I do it with passion and purpose.

What do you sell?

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