Saturday, January 4, 2020

The "You Factor" - AV/IT Integration and Tesla Teaching

This weekend marked the launch of my new book - The Art and Science of Tesla Teaching- The Seven Keys to Training Like Nikola. The following is an excerpt from the book.

This is about the “You Factor” – this is the key to training, presentations, and communications as a whole. Presentation, collaboration, and conferencing is made up of three intersecting points. Technology, place, and people – these three points combine together to form a complete communication infrastructure. The technology is made up of the electronics and physical systems used to support the content. The place is the environment, lighting, acoustics, and ambient conditions. The people has to do the with presenter and the content being communicated. Most importantly, the “You Factor” is the unique way the people interface and use the system and space.

In Chapter 3 of Tesla Teaching, I go into detail about the “You Factor”. The “You Factor” is the realization that the value comes from when the combination of the presenter, the space, and the technology (the system) are blended for maximum impact. All too often, we as presenters or communicators become too dependent on the system and the content to be the crux of the message.

The emphasis here is on the communicator's ability to tie all of these together and their ability to add their individual value to the three intersecting points. The most important element of getting the most from the communication system and to obtain "The Evolution of True Communication" (also explained in detail in the book) is making sure that we consider the presenter and presentation materials as part of the system. The presenter is the most important part of The Evolution of True Communication.  It is important to consult with, train and keep an ongoing partnership with customers (presenters/communicators) to ensure that they are the best presenters/communicators they can be and that they are fully equipped to use the highly optimized technical tools that were specified and designed into a system that was fully optimized for the space. Also making sure they are completely comfortable in the enhanced space. As an AV/IT design and integration support team the goal is also to be considered part of their cohesive team. Part of the goal is to be embedded as part of their team.

For the customers, The Evolution of True Communication is so much more than attending or hosting a meeting, presentation, or conference where information is forced at the audience/students in a “death by PowerPoint” fashion. When you have successfully achieved The Evolution of True Communication, everyone is involved in the creation, sharing and the care of the content and everyone is better for it. In the Evolution of True Communication presenters become mentors, the audience/students become collaborators and everyone has added value to the message. This is all accomplished because the best tools and technology are available, the environment is optimal and the presenter and materials are appropriate. Most importantly the sweet spot was found where the presenters/collaborators are able to add their "You Factor". When this happens, it is a beautiful thing. The bottom line is that, the best designers/integrators in AV/IT include the presenters/collaborators as part of the development of a system throughout the whole process. They assign a great deal of importance to their “You Factor.”

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